
Day43: long-sighted

Day42: unknown

Day41: Face off

Day40: look out

Day38: who is the fool?

The one who looks like on the left, stands right.The one who looks like on the right, stands left.The one who looks like a genius, is a fool.The one who looks like a fool, is a genius. The one who looks like working hard, thinks nothing. T…

Day37: Suru Suru

Day36: 5cm

Day35:fade out

Day33: wondering...

Day32: On & Off

Life is a bulb. At the end of the day, it will be automatically off. But still, the earth is rotating, the moon is moving, and many other bulbs which form the skyline are still shining. Once the bulb is on, time is running out with the lig…

DAY31: Where is Sui sui?

1:30am.Sui sui is sleeping high in the jungle while vehicles are flying high on the highway...Raindrops are hitting on the ground while the moon is hiding behind the cloud...醉生夢死的世界...

Day30: Ethics of Journalism: To take or to stop?

新聞道紱的掙扎:要拍?還是要阻止不幸的發生? 多可惡的蟻哥...Whenever it rains, Sui sui becomes the target of mosquitos...


Day28: Window

Day27: shower

DAY25: upside down

Day26: Red leggings

Day24: Psuedo Flower

Day 23: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star...

DAY22: outline

DAY21: who will be the next follower?

At a sleepless midnight, a trio is walking around the balcony.. they are thinking of the same thing... ...the grow-up of Sui sui...

DAY20: 一念天堂 一念地獄

DAY19: 露出馬腳...

大個仔的證據 ---- 鬚 根。 (stem + leaf = 3cm high)

DAY18: 3 guys & 2 babies

DAY17: 早操

DAY16: Dark in the light

DAY15: Psuedo Butterfly

2cm high(stem+leaf)

DAY14: 上流志向

人生 = ↑ + ↓。↑ 和 ↓ 是兩個代表著相反走勢的符號。 在香港,↑中的有氣溫、雨量、樓價、物價、工資、人口、民怨;↓中的有恆指、特首民望、施政質素…決定↑和↓的外在因素多的是。至於個人,最容易在↑ 與 ↓之間波動的是血壓、腎上腺...這世上,有太多不可抗…

DAY13: Down to earth